OK so I'm behind in my blog by a week, whatever I've been busy, out of town, baking like crazy, etc etc etc. We will start of with week 3 and the road trip. My schedule was so off with the upcoming trip that I got in what I could when I could. My Dad and I knew getting out of DFW (Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport) Thursday like originally planned was not going to happen since the flights were showing over sold so we flew out Wednesday night.
Tue 7/15 - 2.3 miles w/ 13:09 per mile avg pace - total run time 30:01 in my neighborhood
Wed 7/16 - 2.5 miles w/ 12:07 per mile avg pace - total run time 30:34 in my neighborhood
Airport craziness - Ain't no body got time for that :

I have to say with all the time I've spent in airports as a flight attendant and as a passenger it never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people can be. In this instance one mans stupidity meant two seats for my Dad and me on the airplane. Long story short this older white guy was trying to start a fight with a young black guy while in line to change seats at the gate. He was repeatedly calling this young man the "N" word and saying he was going to kick his ass. What in the world was this old white guy thinking. But the young black guy kept his cool and shook it off while the old white guy was escorted out of the terminal by 8 DFW police officers. And Dad and I got assigned the seats that the old guy and his wife would have had to Vegas. Thankfully the pilots both saw the exchange and made the call to security. If anyone would have let it slide and let this guy on the plane he would have ended up sitting one row in front of the black couple. The white guys wife was the real sad part of the story, as she was lying to the cops about being in the bathroom the whole time, she is stuck going home with this jerk. Judging by how quickly she lied for him and didn't bat an eye while he lied to the cops I would say she's been in this situation before.
Vegas baby!
So we got into Vegas about 12:30 am so by the time we got the rental car and got checked into the hotel it was 2:00 am and I was starving. Dad and I shared the most colossal and amazing burger at this place called the Hash Hut in the hotel.
We played for a little while and finally got to bed around 3:30 am. Dad was awake bright and early 3 hours later, because you know in Vegas you can survive on 3 hours sleep apparently. So we got ready and headed out for a breakfast buffet and a bit more playing.
We hit the road headed for Salt Lake City Utah at about 12:30, with a stopover in Mesquite for some more Craps and we finally got to our destination around 9:30 pm. The drive was beautiful but I was exhausted.
Fri 7/18 - 2.4 miles w/ 13:51 per mile avg pace - total run time 32:53- this run was done just north of Salt Lake City Utah where the elevation is about 4500 ft above sea level. My normal runs are about 700 ft elevation. So quite a different environment. The scenery was beautiful even though I didn't venture out of the neighborhood we were staying in. I still find it funny that people have Christmas trees in their front yard.
Friday night was the Rehearsal dinner for Elliott and Eve. Saturday was the wedding and it was such a good time. A beautiful location and a beautiful couple. We had a great time at the wedding and to everyone's surprise we were treated to an unplanned fireworks show to top off the evening.
Sunday was spent driving back to Vegas and flying back to DFW. When I
got home at 2:30 am I was exhausted. But it was all worth it.